Pennsylvania Constitution

The Erosion of Separation of Powers

In the 1780s, there began to be a distinct erosion of the doctrine of separation of powers.


Unalterable Constitutions

As the constitutions of the states were implemented and executed during the Revolutionary years, the population began holding conventions for amendment of those constitutions, believing that “Legislatures were incompetent” to do so. Gordon Wood, The Creation of the American Republic: 1776-1787, 306 quoting Farrand, ed., Records of the Federal Convention, II, 91-93. In fact, James Madison believed that “it […]


Shaping the Contours of the Revolution

The political discourse in the years of the American Revolution parallels with the discourse of today. Just as commentators and analysts opine about trends in society, pamphleteers did the same in the Revolutionary years. For example, pamphleteers believed that American society during the American Revolution was unique, as there was a perception that “wealth does […]
